Little white flowers literally cover this silver-leafed perennial like a blanket of snow. This low-growing groundcover blooms all summer long. Very easy to maintain and spreads easily without being invasive.

Little white flowers literally cover this silver-leafed perennial like a blanket of snow. This low-growing groundcover blooms all summer long. Very easy to maintain and spreads easily without being invasive.
(Seseli) Lacy foliage supports large clusters of pale pink-white flowers. 2-3’H x 18″W. Zone 5. A Plant Select Perennial. More info here.
Exposure: Sun, Part Sun
Bloom Time: Late Summer to Fall
(Photo Courtesy: David Winger for Plant Select)
Daylilies (Hemerocallis) form grass-like clumps with large, trumpet-shaped blooms in summer. Height is generally 1-2 feet and spread can be up to around 2 feet depending on variety. This is a very popular perennial with many different flower colors and hybrids.
Exposure: Sun, Part Sun
Bloom Time: Summer
What can you have that blooms in winter? This plant! It offers subtle, reliable color…even through all of our early snow falls.
Exposure: Shade
Bloom Time: Late Winter – VERY Early Spring
Looking to extend your perennial garden into late Summer and Fall? Grasses offer texture in your garden and many offer fall color. They are beautiful tucked in among your flowers OR as mass plantings. Most are drought tolerant and perform well in full sun. Consider size and spread to make your choice as some can get quite large.
Exposure: Sun
Bloom Time: Most will offer some type of plume in late Summer to Fall.
(Galium) This delicate groundcover looks like fairies should live in it. It is actually a perennial herb with dainty green leaves and covered with bright white fragrant blooms. Plant it where it can spread because it does tend to take over an area. Zone 4.
Exposure: Shade, Part Sun
Bloom Time: Late Spring-Early Summer
The ultimate in drought tolerant plants. We carry a small selection of cold hardy cactus such as Agave, Echinocereus, Opuntia & Yucca. Assorted offerings vary each season. Come see what you find!
Give them a sunny spot and good drainage. Then sit back and enjoy the low maintenance show.
Exposure: Sun
Bloom Time: Summer
Long lived herbaceous perennial. Much loved for its large blossoms on a 2′-3′ plants. In our climate, afternoon sun can be a little intense for them. Site them where they will get lots of morning sun or in bright dappled light.
Exposure: Part Sun
Bloom Time: Early Summer
Cheerful white blooms are a favorite of many. Shasta daisy offer a burst of blooms in summer. Deadhead to extend bloom time. Varieties may range from tall (2-3 ft) to dwarf (12″-18″).
Exposure: Sun
Bloom Time: Summer
Have a moist, sunny area? Siberian Iris give the look of a tall, clumping grass with the benefit of blooms in early summer. These may be deep velvety purple, blue or white. Stunning when in bloom. Foliage fades to a yellow tone in Fall.
Exposure: Sun, Part Sun
Bloom Time: Early Summer