Sunset has long been known for its GIANT tomato starts. Plant these in a sunny spot and support the vines as they grow. Feed at planting time with a tomato fertilizer, when the flowers begin to bloom, and again when the fruit sets. We offer both hybrid and heirloom types…20+ varieties. Hybrids are listed below. Tip: If you are a beginner smaller paste or cherry type tomatoes are easier to grow.
Indeterminate vines will get tall so plan to stake them. Their fruit also develops progressively so you can harvest over several months. Determinate vines tend to be more compact but most will still need support. Determinate vines won’t need pruning. The fruit and blossoms develop on the vine at the same time. So, harvest time is short– around 10 days. The vines are popular with people who want to can or preserve their tomatoes in one go. Example: Making sauce or salsa.
Hybrid Varieties
“Slicing” Tomatoes:
Beefmaster: 80 days, 20 ounces!, Indeterminate
Better Boy: 75 days, 8 ounces, Indeterminate
Better Bush 75 days, 5 ounces, Determinate (compact 3ft tall)
Big Beef: 75 days, 10-12 ounces, Indeterminate (Beefsteak type)
Celebrity: 75 days, 8 ounces, Determinate
Champion: 65 days, 10 ounces, Indeterminate (High yielding)
Early Girl: 60 days, 6 ounces, Indeterminate (Popular! Our earliest slicer)
Early Girl Bush: 60 days, 6-7 ounces, Determinate
Husky Red: 70 days, 7 ounces, Determinate (Compact, Great for containers)
Jet Star: 70 days, 6ounces, Indeterminate a sweet, low acid type bred for crack and disease resistance.
Lemon Boy: 70 days, Indeterminate golden slicer
Patio: 70 days, 4 ounces, Determinate (Very compact, great for containers)
Super Fantastic: 70 days, 10 ounces, Indeterminate (High yielding, meaty fruit)

Photo Courtesy Syngenta via BHC

Photo Courtesy Seminis via BHC

Photo Courtesy Seminis via BHC

Photo Courtesy Seminis via BHC

Photo Courtesy Ball Horticultural Company

Photo Courtesy Seminis via BHC
Cherry, Paste & Grape Tomatoes
Chocolate Sprinkles: 60 days, 1″ fruit, Indeterminate (Deep red with green speckles, High yielding, rich sweet flavor)
Juliet: 60 days, 1 ounce, Indeterminate (Grape type tomato, High yields, deep flavor)
Roma: 75 days, 2 ounces, Determinate (Plum/paste type tomato, meaty with few seeds)
Sun Gold: 55 days, 1/2 ounce, Indeterminate (Orange cherry type, prolific and sweet, low acid)
Sweet 100: 65 days, 1 ounce, Indeterminate (1″ round cherry type tomato, High yielding)
Sweet Baby Girl: 65 days, 1″, Inderterminate (1″ sweet cherry clusters, High yielding)

Photo Courtesy Ball Horticultural Company

Photo Courtesy Genesis via BHC

Photo Courtesy Syngenta via BHC