Winter squash are also warm season vegetables, but unlike Summer squash, their skin is hard…making them good for storing. They will take longer to develop and will be ready to harvest in Fall.
Acorn, Table Ace: (70 days) Semi-bush plants yield 4”-5” black-green fruit with excellent flavor.
Butternut, Butterscotch: (100 days) 1-2 lb squash
Butternut, Waltham: (90 days) High yields and nutty flavor. Great for baking. 9” squash cook up sweet and tender. Long Storing.
Delicata: (80-100 days) Cream colored squash striped with green or orange. Wonderful when roasted.
Patty Pan, Early White: (50 days) Heirloom. Grown by Native Americans. Flat, white, prolific! Good fried or baked. Also known as a white scallop squash.
Peter Pan: (45 days) Prolific crops of green, flat, scalloped squash.
Spaghetti: (100 days) Oblong, 8” yellow squash. Harvested in late summer/early Fall. Stores for several months in a cool, dry location.

Photo Courtesy Rupp Seeds via BHC

Photo Courtesy Seeds by Design via BHC