Kale is another cool season green that you can plant early and enjoy into Fall. It won’t bolt in hot weather so you will have a season of leaves. Just clip what you want and leave the main plant to grow more leaves.
Dinosaur (Lacinato): (60 days) Open-shape kale has straplike, blue-green leaves. Extremely winter hardy.
Dwarf Blue Curled: (60 days) A super compact variety that keeps producing tender, blue-green frilly leaves over a long period. One plant is enough to feed a family of four. Best yet…it stays very compact compared to other varieties. So, it is wonderful for small space gardening. Can be overwintered in Zone 4 areas with some protection.
Red Russian: (50 days) Dark green oak-leaf shaped leaves. Red/purple hues intensify in cooler weather. Tender, sweet taste when cooked. Can also be eaten raw. Can harvest for ‘baby greens’ after about 25 days.
Toscano: (60 days) Also called Italian, Dinosaur or lacinato type. Open-shape kale has straplike, blue-green leaves. Long lasting into cold weather.

Photo Courtesy Seeds by Design via BHC