Gardening Info & Resources

We are Colorado gardeners and have been for decades.  Here we offer you some of our experience on topics ranging from seed starting to extending your harvest.

Flower Bed_PCOSunsetFlowers                             
Containers & Hanging Baskets
Flower Gardens
Perennial Listing (Height, Bloom Time, Water Needs, Sun/Shade)
Mixed VeggiesFood Crops
Extend Your Harvest
Seed Selection
Selecting and Growing Herbs

South House EntryGeneral Gardening

Attracting Beneficial Insects
Butterflies & Hummingbirds

Deer Low Preference List
High Altitude Gardening
Homemade Seed Tape
Plant Selection
Seed Definitions

Seed Starting

Fertilizer 101

favicon  Other Useful Gardening Resources

Colorado State University Extension & El Paso County Extension Service (Research-based yard & garden information)

Denver Botanic Gardens open year-round for you to see hardy landscape combinations in all seasons. They also feature a tropical conservatory and seasonal art exhibits.

Plant Select: efforts of this group are to choose low water hardy plants that will flourish in the Rocky Mountain Region.  MANY will work wonderfully in our area.  We offer a variety of these plants in our perennial section.  If you buy elsewhere- be sure to check zones as some of the Plant Select varieties overwinter  better in milder parts of Colorado.

Phelan Gardens Our brother and sister’s year-round greenhouse/nursery & garden center

Arbico Organics  Organic gardening & organic pest control