Begonias (Tuberous)

Begonia Hybrids

March 14, 2014 @ 6:25 pm

website builder There are lots of lovely varieties of blooming begonias. Some have large leaves and flowers such as tuberous begonias, others such as the dragon wing types have more lance leaf flowers with smaller but VERY prolific blooms.  We carry a wide variety that change each season.  All begonias are heat loving plants that are great to use in shady locations.  They are also a good choice for drier areas of shade due to their water storing roots. Though they aren’t what you would deem as “drought tolerant” you will be watering them far less than other shade loving plants such as impatiens. Flower colors span a large spectrum: red, salmon, orange, yellow, white, peaches and pinks.

Exposure:  Shade
Uses: Baskets, containers, landscape


Other Hybrids: (Ex. B. boliviensis) Assorted varieties
Solenia: Assorted Colors (Hybrid Rieger Types)
NonStop: Assorted Colors (Tuberous Large Flowered Types)

NonStop Mocca Deep Orange

Unstoppable Salmon

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