Cucumber Summer Top


March 8, 2014 @ 9:11 pm

Cucumbers really like to have warm soil and air.  So, wait until at least a week after the last frost to plant.  Give them well drained soil and at least 8 hours of sun for proper development. We offer slicers, pickling types and also heirloom lemon cukes.  Pick your cucumbers regularly so that they will keep producing.


Bush Crop: (55 days) Bush-type habit is handy for small gardens or containers. Crisp, tender cucumbers with a mild flavor. 6-8” Long.
Cool Breeze: (45 days) Sets fruit without cross-pollination.  Early and prolific production of 5″ cukes.
Coretine: (45 days) Burpless, seedless gherkin type that, like Cool Breeze, does not require cross pollination for early and prolific yields.
Lemon: (65 days) Heirloom type that, at first glance, doesn’t look like a cucumber.  But, these round spiny fruit are wonderfully sweet and can be eaten raw or pickled.  3” oval fruit.
Summer Top: (40 days) A burpless slicer, this high yielding vine produces 8” long cucumbers in only 40 days.

Cucumber Summer Top

Summer Top
Photo Courtesy Taki via BHC